June 2021 - present
Aeon Robotics GmbH
Aeon Robotics is a startup with focus on modular robotics, artificial intelligence, drive technology and smart components. The company was founded in 2021 as a spin-off of the TU Braunschweig. With the HandEffector robot system, Aeon Robotics offers a solution that for the first time makes it possible to intuitively teach gripping forces and gripping movements to a robot system with no knowledge of robotics or programming. This makes it possible to automate processes that were previously impossible to automate.
Apr 2017 - May 2021
Clausthal University of Technology, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Research Associate / Ph.D. Student / Lecturer
Business development and conception – Clausthal Executive School (CES):
- Founding and establishing Clausthal Executive School as the central
institution for further education at Clausthal University of Technology - Conception, accreditation and initial implementation of a new
further education program (ESF project)
Research assistant at the chair of business administration and corporate management:
- Supervision and realization of lectures, seminars, workshops
- Administrative tasks within the chair
- Supervision of theses (Bachelor, Master)
- Research work (doctorate/PhD) on the research priorities of the chair
Dec 2016 - June 2019
Founder of veggieflash
Founder and managing director:
- Product development "Veggieflash": from the basic idea to sales
- Conception and prototyping
- Selection of suppliers and manufacturers
- Legal protection of the trademark
- Marketing through social media
- Sales via online shop
Apr 2016 - Mar 2017
Funke Mediengruppe (BZV Media GmbH), Brunswick, Germany
Online Media Consultant
Online-media consultant:
- Targeted market development/market cultivation regarding existing and potential customers
- Competitor analysis, i.e. market observation and assessment of the switching behavior of existing and potential customers in
competing media - Weekly analysis and reporting of KPIs
- Conception and launch of new digital products
Aug 2014 - Feb 2016
Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, Stuttgart
Marketing & Project Manager
Project management, marketing, technical consulting:
- Coordinating (B2B) projects (on-/offline marketing campaigns)
- Management of the project team with content management systems and project management systems
- Planning, coordinating and controlling of the process of the
implementation of a customer online shop - Analyzing project results for internal and external final reporting
- Conception of strategic reframing and sharpening of a brand for IT-services
- Integration of corporate design standards and supplier restrictions in (B2B) marketing campaigns
- Briefing of agencies and coordination
Feb 2014 - July 2014
Deutscher Sparkassenverlag, Stuttgart
Electives in the field of product development of advertising media:
- Drawing up a situation analysis as basis for action for implementing a new product based on market potential analysis
- Statistical analysis of customer data
- Conception, sending and statistical analysis of newsletters
Clausthal University of Technology
Dr. rer. pol. (PHD)
Specialization: Business models, Blockchain technology, Job-To-Be-Done-Theory
Dissertation: Einfluss der Blockchain-Technologie auf Geschäftsmodelle: Entwicklung eines Vorgehensmodells am Beispiel von intermediären Akteuren
FOM University of Applied Sciences for Economics and Management
Master of Science Business Psychology
Overall grade: 2.0
Specialization: Forms of organizations and development
Master thesis: The Need for Cognitive Closure and its impact on consumers’ purchase intentions
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (University of Groningen), Netherlands
Master of Science Marketing
Overall grade: 7.5 (“Good”)
Specializations: Marketing research & management, market analysis, brand management
Master thesis: Social Proof Mechanisms – How Demand-Generated Scarcity Influences Consumer Purchase Intentions
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Bachelor of Science Business Administration
Overall grade: 2.4
Specializations: E-Business, marketing concepts and strategies, management and entrepreneurship, logistics and operations management
Bachelor thesis: The art of using the right evaluation system – An empirical analysis of the lecturer ranking of the Faculty of Economics and Management Magdeburg